EDI Claims Standard Modernization Project
The Claims Modernization project was established by the IAIABC Board of Directors in 2017 along with the Claim Modernization Team which provides oversight to this project. The project was created for the modernization of the IAIABC EDI Claims Standard to support event-driven, real-time reporting.
David Babcock, Origami Risk
Monica Blackwell, Enlyte
Deanne Hall, Liberty Mutual Insurance
Sandy Herwig, Acuity Insurance
Alexis Hildebrand, Alaska Division of Workers' Compensation
Michael Hunter, New York State Workers' Compensation Board
Gregg Lutz, Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association (MWCIA)
Tracey Palmaioli, Verisk
Harte Pricer, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry
David Sprick, Kansas Division of Workers' Compensation
Tina Queen, Enlyte
Kristi Valleau, Travelers
Jeff Willard, Sedgwick Claims Management
Katia Woerner, IAIABC
Project Materials
Official project materials can be found in the EDI Claims Standard Modernization Project Community. To gain access to this community please update your IAIABC profile to include EDI as an area of interest. For questions, please contact webmaster@iaiabc.org.